Landlord - who came up with that anyway? it sounds completely archaic. i picture a thin man with pointy shoes, tights, puffy sleeves and a beret for some reason... "introducing the Lord of our Land" (cue trumpets)
Just before the Labour Day weekend, Jason and I gave notice that we'd be moving out by Oct 1. Sounds easy enough, no? a simple letter stating the details. well our "lord of the land" thinks he's still in 1957 Italy. he promptly rang our bell and with one hand leaning on the door frame proclaimed he was going to cry from disbelief. he then proceeded to re-tell the story of how he bought the house after working 30 years in a bakery, coming every day to make sure the carpenters, electricians and especially those lazy painters were doing their job each day.
it's been a full year of (make a "Godfather" italian accent in your head as you read the following) "make-a sure you double click the front door so it locks good, don't take out your gar-bige in just the bag, put som-a-thing underneet in case the bag breaks it's no good to stink up-a the stairs - and my personal favourite - you gotta put those things under your furniture so you don't scr-etch the floor" and now that he's showing the place we get about a dozen calls a week with appointments (SUPER annoying). but i really can't complain - as far as landlords go, i'm sure he's a blessing. he cuts the grass, sweeps the stoop and has a "perfect ten" italian garden in the backyard with roma tomatoes and basil galore.
anyway - we'll be gypsies the next few months moving around until we find our perfect home. a place where jason and i shall sit cross-legged in tights and declare ourselves Lord and Lady of the Land.
homeless hugs and love,
p.s. as a consolation prize... jason said we could get a doggie! hee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) look out for my next post.
is this what you do at work all day?
hey! that's the last cupcakes you'll get from ME.
phew...i was a bit behind in my reading, nice to catch up! cant wait to hear the next epic volume dedicated to puppydom!
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