Tuesday, January 31, 2012


so my literal inspiration today actually started yesterday looking out my windows to the picture perfect snowy world outside. today the clear sky and warm sun has erased it all, as if nothing happened.


as if nothing happened.

my three year old teaches me a lesson in this simple feat of nature daily. mostly involving her shrill reactions to getting dressed, sitting at the table... etc a whirling twirling blizzard of refusal. followed by my equally if not more amplified shrieking to forcibly get. it. done. and then a new song comes on, we dance. it's over.

we melt.

as if nothing happened.

i lay at night and re think my day. and i'm sure other moms do, riddled with guilt, think - just how many things we did to ruin those perfect little bodies? because even though looking outside things appear to haved melted, the soggy brown grass is telltale. there will be more...

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